Banal Blog Post

So. Cute.

Not much profundity going on in my brain at the moment, but here are a smattering of updates:

  • The Ryn & Clover re-homing project is going well. I’ll look at two promising co-ops in the next week, one called The Honey Hive, the other Ravenplex. Ravelplex has chickens. Chickens = guilt-free eggs. YES. Also, chickens are just cool. I grew up with chickens in the back yard and I’d be excited to live with ’em again.
  • I’m trying to be less of a slob. I plan on getting rid of a lot of my stuff when I  move as I think having less stuff will help. Let me know if you know anyone who needs things, as  I will be getting rid of them. Kitchen stuff & towels for example.
  • Finished my LAST general education requirement and am all set to go for SF state in the fall.
  • am subbing a lot of yoga classes at and loving it! I’m excited to sub for Laura for the first time this Sunday. Almost a year in, and I still love my job and working with Laura. The last two weeks Rasham, the other studio manager, has been gone and it’s been a bit overwhelming for me, mainly because it coincided with finals and my car being in the shop. Egads!  For once, I may have found the outer limits of my comfort zone in terms of being with people.
  • I’m going to try to go to some of the meditation sits in the area soon—I’m excited to explore that.

About rynstinct

Writer. Thinker. Yoga-er.
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